Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa dari kemarin hingga tanggal 30 nanti akan ada badai dan angin topan yang akan melanda wilayah Korea.
Karena mengkhawatirkan para fans mereka Sungmin beserta Kyuhyun mengupdate status mereka yang berisi larangan sbagi mereka untuk keluar rumah dan untuk berlindung dari bahaya badai ini
Sungmin twitter update (Yesterday)
@imsml 오늘 슈키라 오픈스튜디오는 오지마세요~ 태풍이 오니까 위험해요~!!절대로 오지마세요 부탁합니다~너무 걱정되서 그래요..특히 한국에 와있는 외국팬분들은 위험한 상황을 모를수도 있으니 우리 한국팬분들이 따뜻하게 챙겨주세요~
@imsml Please don't come for Sukira's Open Studio today~ there is going to be a
typhoon so it will be dangerous~!!absolutely don't come(,) its a
request~ because I am really worried that's why..especially those
foreign fans who came to Korea(,) there are some who doesn't know the
dangerous situation so our Korean fans(,) please take care of them
Kyuhyun twitter update (Yesterday)
1st @GaemGyu An important note to all the precious overseas fans who are currently
visiting Korea! Be aware that a powerful typhoon called "BOLAVEN" will
2st @GaemGyu strike Korea beginning today, August 27th until August 30th, so please
do not go outside, avoid any undergrounds and stay in a safe place.
Jadi ELF urie oppa aja khawatir sama keselamatan dan kesehatan kita, kenapa kita malah mengabaikan kesehatan dan keselamatan kita sendiri.??
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